
This short guide will teach you what you need to know to play RobotRage 2: Rearmed in 2025.

After installing and running the game, first try training mode.
See if there are any visual glitches present. If there are, try switching the preferred 3D renderer to Auto.

Click to enlarge

The next thing you might want to do is join our Discord server.
As there are not many players these days, you will find more luck asking in the #lobby channel if anyone wants to play, rather than sitting in the game lobby.

Another thing you probably want to know: there are presets.
As this is a non-commercial restoration project, you can get all SuperWeapons for free.
Take a look at the presets page for more details.

Despite the leftover message from the original saying that old robots will be removed, we do not clean our database of old robots.
However, we do not give any guarantees; if anything is missing or not working properly, we put it in the folder named "life is hard, restoring old games is harder".

Have fun and don't stand in the fire pit too long!